You Got The Best Image AI, Get The Best Text AI Too

Get The Smartest AIs & Language Models
To Create Content That Gets You More
Leads & Sales

image 50+ AI Models & LLMs For 100% Unique Content image

Everyone’s using ChatGPT and creating repetitive content. Stand out and stay cool by using multiple AIs. Create high quality and unique blog articles, social media posts, emails, outreach messages & more!

Get Every AI In One Place

30 Days Refund 24 / 6 Chat Support Satisfaction Guarantee

Get Models No One Else Has Access To

  • GPT 4
  • Claude Instant 1
  • Claude 2
  • GPT 3.5 Turbo
  • Anthropic Claude
  • Anthropic Claude Instant
  • Google Text-Bison
  • Llama 2 70b
  • GPT 2
  • GPT 2 Large
  • GPT XL
  • Pegasus Paraphrase
  • OpenAI GPT
  • Bart Large CNN
  • DialoGPT Medium
  • Roberta Base Squad2
  • Cohere Base Light
  • Cohere Base
  • Cohere Summarize
  • Cohere Command Model
  • Cohere C4ai-Aya
  • Cohere Command Light
  • Cohere Command Light Nightly
  • Cohere Command Nightly
  • Cohere Command R
  • DALL-E 2
  • DALL-E 3
  • Stable Diffusion 1.5
  • Gemini Pro
  • DeepSeek AI
  • Stability AI
  • MosaicML-MPT
  • MosialML-LLama2
  • DeepAI Text To Image
  • StabilityAI Text To Image
  • Flan-T5
  • Zephyr 7B Beta
  • Llama 27B
  • Falcon 7B Instruct
  • Amazon Titan Embeddings G1
  • Anthropic Claude v2
  • Anthropic Claude v2.1
  • Clause 3 Opus
  • Claude 3 Sonnet
  • Mistral Large Latest
  • Mistral Medium Latest
  • Open Mistral 17B
  • Open Mistral 8x7B
  • Mistral Small Latest
  • Amazon Titan text express-v1
  • Amazon Titan text Lite-v1
  • AI21 Labs Jurassic-2
  • Amazon Titan text express-v1
30 Days Refund 24 / 6 Chat Support Satisfaction Guarantee

Get Access To All The AIs For A Fraction Of The Cost


Save Over 80% Every Year By Paying Only For AI Collective Instead Of All The AIs Separately

30 Days Refund 24 / 6 Chat Support Satisfaction Guarantee

Craft Unique Content Using Any AI You Want

ChatGPT is great but it’s limiting you. Everyone’s using it and they are creating the same content over and over. It’s become ridiculously easy to detect. It’s like one writer (one brain) writing all the articles of the world.

Get other AI brains working for you!

  • Use many different AI models.
  • Feed your prompt to multiple models and choose the best one.
  • Get content that’s unique and stands out
  • Make a bigger impact.
30 Days Refund 24 / 6 Chat Support Satisfaction Guarantee

Huge Readymade Prompt Library

Why learn prompt-engineering when it’s done for you?

AI Collective has a HUGE readymade prompt library. Just mention what you want and get a readymade professional prompt that is designed to give you the best results.

New prompts added constantly & you can add your own prompt too

  • 1000s of readymade prompts
  • Fully searchable by keyword
  • Find the perfect prompt for anything
  • Get the best quality content
30 Days Refund 24 / 6 Chat Support Satisfaction Guarantee

Get AI Employees & Experts

AI Collective comes with dozens of AI employees and assistant personas. Just choose a persona you want to talk to.

Get AI employees for free

  • Dozens of ready personas
  • Get expert advice without the cost
  • Draft professional documents
  • Get professional level answers
30 Days Refund 24 / 6 Chat Support Satisfaction Guarantee

Upload Your Documents & Custom Data

Need AI that’s trained on your special task? No problems! Just upload any document to AI Collective to get an aware and smart AI that will answer every question with the document as a reference.

Ask questions and get answers about your documents.

  • Supports PDFs, Text files, CSVs, etc.
  • Ask any question and get informed answers
  • No need to read the documents yourselves
  • Perfect for research, study or business
30 Days Refund 24 / 6 Chat Support Satisfaction Guarantee

Use One AI With Another

Change AI model in mid; get a re-write from another Ai; create content with one AI, expand it with another; summarize; turn message into an e-mail and do a lot more using multiple AIs at the same time

Get the power of mix & match AI.

  • Create 100% unique and stand out content.
  • Get the benefits of multiple AI skills.
  • Save time thinking of prompts and modifications
  • Get new perspectives and ideas from new AI brains.
30 Days Refund 24 / 6 Chat Support Satisfaction Guarantee

Get Access To Hidden & Open Source AIs

ChatGPT is only one of them. There are so many more AIs, especially in the open source world. AICollective brings you access to AIs that nobody else has access to.

30 Days Refund 24 / 6 Chat Support Satisfaction Guarantee

AI Collective Is Powerful & Easy To Use

30 Days Refund 24 / 6 Chat Support Satisfaction Guarantee

AI Collective Is The Most Powerful AI Platform

All Leading LLM
Create text content with multiple AI models.
All Leading Image
AI Models
Create any type of image and graphic with AI.
Powerful Prompt
In-built prompt library with thousands of readymade prompts
Save Your
Save your prompts and use them later.
80% Savings
Save over 80% when you get AI Collective instead of all the other AIs separately
Readymade Employee & Expert personas. Get expert advice.
Upload Documents
Upload a document and get any answer about it.
Feed AI Into AI
Re-write, revise, summarize, or use input from AI to another.
Access Every AI
From One Place
Save time, effort and get better results.
Access Hidden
Get access to open source and hidden models.
Works with both
Text & Image AIs
One place for all your AI needs.
Perfect For
Generate high quality and unique articles that don’t look AI.
Perfect for
Create Tweets, Facebook Posts, LinkedIn posts and more.
Perfect for
Create comment replies, feedback posts in seconds.
Share & Export
Save your chats and share with anyone.
New AIs Added
New AIs keep being added all the time.
30 Days Refund 24 / 6 Chat Support Satisfaction Guarantee

Get The Power of Every AI & Create Content That Brings In The Best Results

Get AI Collective today and create high-impact content that your competitors will never beat.


Get AI Collective Pro For $97 Yearly

Pro Level
image image image image image
  • Business use license
  • 3,000 Credits Month
  • Includes AI Experts
  • All Features Included
$127 Yearly
Free Upgrades
24 / 6 Chat Support

Money Back Guarantee

You haven't tried yet. Well, we really want you to have the first mover's advantage, and that's why we are prepared to bear all the risk

Here's our guaranteel

Buy AI Collective Pro, and use it for up to 30 days risk-free. If you don't ke what it does for you and your business, just us know within 30 days through a support ticket at and we will refundyou 100% of the money!

Support Guarantee

Bad support can destroy your investment and happiness. When you buy from Teknikforce you get the guarantee of good quality support

24 x 6 Live Chat Support Guarantee

We have 24 x 6 chat support here, Yes, if you ever have any issues Using AI Collective Pro, just come to this website and talk to our live support agent. We are always here to guide you.

24 Hours Ticket Response Guarantee

When you open a ticket with us, you'll get a guaranteed response within 24 hours.

Live Assistance Guarantee

Having trouble making something work? Our tech agents will help you on Skype and on Teamviewer/ Ultraviesser to fix your problem.
